【國際學者講座】Ian Rowen 專題演講 (2021/6/8)

International Taiwan Studies Center: Lecture

講者:Ian Rowen (Assistant Professor of Sociology, Geography and Urban Planning in the School of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

時間:2021年6月8日 10:20-12:10

線上會議網址: meet.google.com/bpc-tjme-vsy

報名網址: https://forms.gle/1HydX8zFfBGBnuQCA


The Sunflower Movement: How a Student-led Occupation Transformed the Nation

The Sunflower Movement, the student-led occupation of Taiwan’s parliament in 2014, was the largest protest movement in Taiwan’s history. This eyewitness lecture will take you on a tour of the occupation and discuss its transformative effects, including the transitional justice projects that followed.


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